Empower Your Business with Tender Data and Tender Analytics

Unlock valuable opportunities and drive growth with our cutting-edge TenderData and TenderDashboards


We offer comprehensive public tender data and insights through our cutting-edge TenderData and TenderDashboards solutions. Sourced directly from Tender Electronics Daily (TED), our tools empower businesses to identify valuable opportunities, make informed decisions, and drive growth.


Access a wealth of public tender data in user-friendly xlsx and csv formats, sourced directly from Tender Electronics Daily (TED), to support your business decisions and growth strategies.


Gain valuable insights from our interactive dashboards, designed to provide both high-level overviews and detailed analyses of public tender notices and awards, empowering you to stay ahead of the competition.

TenderChat coming soon

An interactive, ChatGPT-like solution that enables you to access only the data you need, using natural language.


We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality public tender data and insights. We work tirelessly to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of our data, so you can focus on making informed decisions and growing your business.


Our team has years of experience in public tender data analysis and visualisation


We source our data directly from the source, ensuring the highest level of accuracy


We offer tailored solutions to meet your specific business needs


Our dedicated customer support is always ready to assist you


To bring our vision into reality, we need the best partners out there. We've joined hands with one of the best when it comes to materials, lightning and furniture to achieve sophisticated results.